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Ultimate Andes Adventure

Ultimate Andes Adventure5/53
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Ultimate Andes Adventure - Reviews

Ultimate Andes Adventure - Reviews

Dream trip come true!

Tom Aaron
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Dream trip come true!

Tom Aaron
Way back in the late 90's some professional snowboard friends of mine took a trip to Las Lenas and returned with some photos of riding Cerro Torrecillas. From that day forward it was a life quest to ride the spines of Cerro Torrecillas. I decade later I finally had that life quest realized on the Frontier Las Les trip with Powder quest and then some. The trip was mind blowingly awesome, from the food, the terrain, lodging, to the most amazing guides I've ever met.

I entered the trip with the primary quest of shredding Cerro Torrecillas but wanted to get my fill of South American shredding so I wanted to hit the longest tour Powderquest offered as I didn't know if I'd ever get the chance again. On setting up the tour, I shared the photo of Cerro Torrecillas with the guides and they told me they knew right where it was and said we could probably make it happen.

From day one I was stoked on our guides, lodging, and food. We kicked off with a warm up at Portillo, one of the most beautiful ski resorts I've ever visited. I instantly bonded with one of the guides and he skill set me accordingly, leading me to difficult lines, drops, and hits. From there the trip just got better and better, everyday with more awesome than the last. The trip kicked off right at the end of a snow cycle and I was amazed how our guides kept finding pow stashes. The stop off at Ski Arpa was outstanding to say the least. I come from the Pacific Northwest where our average vertical is usually 1000ft. At Arpa we were easily throwing down 3000ft vertical runs. Big wide open turns as fast as you could go. Lodging was this cool little Chilean resort with just the Powderquest crew. One particular day at El Colorado it was pretty crusty in bounds. The guides went out on a scouting mission, came back shortly, and we ducked into some huge vert with big open pow fields. The whole day was filled with pow turns shuttling to a van out of bounds. I was so stoked on their ability to show us the goods.

When we finally made it to Las Lenas the anticipation was high, I was really hoping we'd hit Torrecillas. Timing was of the essence and the clouds parted as we made the hike to Cerro Torrecillas. I railed fresh tracks down with the biggest smile on my face. As the storm cycle stirred up later in the week, the mountain shut down the Marte lift. The guides pulled some strings and managed to get us a snow cat so we could still nab some turns. Again the guides delivered on the goods when the rest of the mountains was shut down. So awesome. In the end this was the most epic shred vacation I've ever been on, and I've been snowboarding for over 30 years now. Ever since I've been planning my return saving my pennies for more refills. Thanks Powderquest for the trip of a lifetime!
See our video here

Best trip ever

Petra Neues
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Best trip ever

Petra Neues
Of the six or seven Powderquest tours I have been on, this was my all time favorite. Two whole weeks of fun traveling and skiing with a group that you really get to know well. Terrific guides that make it a unique experience and find you the best snow to ski/board on safely!

Visit Santiago, Valle Nevado area and experience the famous Powder Lodge that everyone loves to stay at. Fly to Mendoza and load up the minivan with all your gear again and go to an unbelievable winery and dining experience on the way to Las Lenas. Las Lenas is the most amazing ski camp you will ever experience. The hiking and slopes are ENDLESS and the "base camp" is a crazy place full of nothing but die hard skiers/boarders/guides and a party town too. Very international, ski fanatics from all over the world flock there every summer!

Would I do it again? ABSOLUTELY
See our video here

Totally Addicted

Heidi Dobrott
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Totally Addicted

Heidi Dobrott
I’ve spent three of the last five summers on PowderOuest Adventures. The Andes are amazing, the PowderQuest people are incredible, and the skiing experience in Chile & Argentina is like no other. Imagine traveling to South America to hang out with your best friends, some you haven’t even met yet… and having the time of your life! It’s become an addiction. Thank you Dave, Carolina, Suzi, Mike, Phil, Owen, Mo, Ingrid, Leah, et al. You guys are the best. See you next year!
See our video here