Arapahoe Basin

Arapahoe Basin

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Arapahoe Basin

Arapahoe Basin3.5/515
Arapahoe Basin3.5 out of 5 based on 15 reviews
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Arapahoe Basin - Reviews

Arapahoe Basin - Reviews

Super-fun and affordable (believe it or not) Colorado ski-bum mountain


Eivind Moen

Powder Enthusiast
Powder Enthusiast

Eivind Moen

Powder Enthusiast
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Super-fun and affordable (believe it or not) Colorado ski-bum mountain

Amazing views from the top of the mountain
Steep and super-fun groomers for the days with no powder
A-Basin tends to be an either early season or late season place for me. Early season because they're usually the first mountain in the US to open, and late season because, well, they're usually about the last mountain in the US to close! In between i tend to go other places. Not because A-Basin is not a fun place (it is), but since i need to travel to ski, the limited terrain at A-Basin (unless conditions are epic) doesn't lend itself that well to going there for a multi-day trip. Oh, and there's also no "going there" in terms of a trip as there is no accommodation and no town in A-Basin so you need to have a car and stay in some town nearby. Although A-Basin has gone back and forth over the years between offering a few days for owners of either the Epic or the IKON (currently on IKON), they've managed to stay independent. And pricing is also quite competitive there. Day pass is still only $89, a steal for US ski resorts.
If your idea of a good mountain is a no-frills place with good runs, great offpiste when conditions allow, relatively small crowds (for Colorado that is), and a cafeteria at the bottom for a beer at the end of the day, the A-Basin is the place for you. I've always enjoyed the ski-bum vibe to the town, and as a telemark skier i always find lots of fellow free-healers there.
The addition of the Beavers area which opened a few years ago was a huge plus for the mountain as the terrain back there can be great in powder!
The runs are in general quite steep, and honestly super fun! I always enjoy my time on the groomers in A Basin whenever the Gods of Powder have taken the day off. I once ripped out my binding from my skis while charging hard down the Exhibition, but fortunately the ski shop at the bottom employs some incredibly talented techs that fixed my ski right back up.
Given the high altitude of the ski resort, the views from the top are simply ridiculous (you're higher than anyone else..)! And the altitude combined with mostly north facing mountain is what allows for the super long season. All of that altitude however comes at two primary expenses:
1) Do expect to feel gassed after just a few turns, especially if you're skiing at the very top of the mountain
2) A-Basin can get COLD!

Will i go back to A-Basin? Absolutely. I have yet to visit the place exclusively for a mid-season ski trip, and i probably never will. This mountain remains an early season/late season place for me. But A-Basin is a super-fun mountain that's managed to preserve it's independence and unique vibe through all the mass consolidation that's otherwise been happening in the ski industry. And if you haven't experienced The Beach during spring skiing you should definitely plan to do so.
See our video here

Real skiing 101


Tom Venezia

Powder Puppy
Powder Puppy

Tom Venezia

Powder Puppy
Powder Puppy
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Real skiing 101

Take a bad ass mountain, strip away the nice chair lifts, built up infrastructure, and limit on mountain dining to a single option and what do you have? Well, that's Arapahoe Basin. If you're going out to ski, and just ski, and you can brave some tough elements, A-Basin should be at the top of your list. Stay in Keystone for a 10 minute drive, or near bye Dillon/Frisco to keep it cheap. Given you are skiing at A-Basin, my guess is you're the type who doesn't mind a 25 minute drive and booting up in the parking lot.
See our video here

If you know where to look........



Powder Puppy
Powder Puppy


Powder Puppy
Powder Puppy
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If you know where to look........

This summary is way out of date because it does not include the Beavers/Steep Gullies which grew the ski area by about 1/3.

A Basin has incredible terrain and if you like steep stuff you simply cannot beat it.

The vibe is so refreshing compared to the rest of summit county.
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Not what it use to be

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Not what it use to be

It has been a great disappointment with Abasin and the crowds. Just like it was when when on Epic Pass. 3 weeks in a row lots full. Ikon is no different than Epic, they both are overcrowding the place. I will not buy a pass next year because for a shorter drive, I can ski powder and park. Bye Abasin enjoy your Ikon.
See our video here

A-Basin is a Great Ski Area for the Whole Family

Therese Baker
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A-Basin is a Great Ski Area for the Whole Family

Therese Baker
I grew up in a huge family that loves skiing. I started skiing with my family when I was four, skiing several times a season at various Colorado ski areas. Now that I have gotten to an expert skiing level, A-Basin is one of my favorite resorts. A-Basin is a good resort for families because of its large variety of terrain, long ski season, and stunning views.
A-basin has a large variety of terrain that suits everyone in my family, from my little siblings, who are still learning, to my Dad, an expert skier. There’s a small beginner lift and magic carpet close to the parking lot for my little siblings to learn on. Two larger lifts close by lead to more advanced terrain, so my family can easily take turns skiing with the little kids and skiing harder terrain. Leaving the bunny hill and going up the larger lifts opens up a huge new spectrum. I enjoy skiing a terrain park, soft cruising runs, and moguls with my older siblings. When I’m skiing with my dad, we go farther up the mountain to the expert terrain. My dad and I have an amazing time jumping off large cornices, pond skimming, and skiing down the second steepest run in Colorado! I could never get bored skiing such a large variety of terrain. My little siblings sometimes get bored on the bunny hill, but that encourages them to improve so they can ski with me. A-Basin has terrain for everyone in my family, no matter their skill level.
In my opinion, one of the best things about A-basin is their long ski season. A-basin is often the earliest ski resort to open and the last to close in North America, with a season from October to June. However, roughly every 4 years A-basin will extend their ski season to stay open until July! A-basin has been the only North American ski area to regularly stay open that late. My family and I love A-Basin’s long ski season because it gives us more opportunities to ski together. My family will often ski at A-Basin during our school breaks because that’s the only time I have school off while my parents can get off work. Because A-Basin has such a long season we don’t only ski fall and Christmas break, but also spring and summer break! I get to ski more often at A-Basin with my family than I would without A-Basin.
A-Basin’s mountain views are breathtaking. I love eating lunch with my family surrounded by majestic white mountains. A-Basin has a midmountain lodge perfectly situated to view a stunning mountain without lifts or manmade construction in the way. A-Basin also has a herd of goats that will graze on the mountain peaks, within view of the skiers. The herd of goats and huge white mountains against Colorado’s vibrant blue sky make a surreal skiing experience. Looking at the mountain views with my family is a beautiful, cherished memory. Even if you are not a skier, the views alone make it worth visiting A-Basin with your family.
A-Basin is a great resort, but unfortunately it does have a con. A-Basin can be less safe for beginners than other resorts because they have a more advanced terrain and less beginner terrain compared to other resorts. The lack of beginner terrain means they don’t have as many trails with safety signs such as “SLOW DOWN”, “TRAILS MERGE”, and “FAMILY ZONE”. At many other ski areas there are “yellow jackets”, staff who patrol beginner trails keeping them safe. The yellow jackets look out for riders going dangerously fast or out of control, and tell them to ride safely. I have never seen a yellow jacket at A-Basin, and I have definitely seen riders going dangerously fast. The lack of safety signs and yellow jackets at A-Basin results in more crazy riders speeding out of control, and not looking out carefully for other skiers. I’m often a little scared to have my siblings ski on their own during the more crowded ski days, because they could easily have a reckless rider crash into them.
Despite the negatives for beginners, I recommend A-Basin because of the large variety of terrain, skiing into the summer, and the breathtaking views. If your family is looking for a beautiful, enjoyable resort that has terrain for everyone, A-Basin is worth trying. However, if the more advanced terrain scares you, there are other resorts more focused on beginners. If you are looking for a resort with great advanced terrain, try A-Basin. A-Basin gets five stars from my family, and a resolution to ski there forever.
See our video here

Not Breckenridge or Keystone

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Not Breckenridge or Keystone

A-Basin is an outlier among the other corporate Summit County ski areas and that what makes it appealing to so many.
The base area isn't fancy and there is no lodging.
This is a ski area not a resort.
If you time it right, a powder day on the East Wall is life changing.
While many bemoan the Basin for expanding into Montezuma bowl and now thew Beavers. The skiing quality/crowd issues are finally improving.
See our video here

Throwback ski hill

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Throwback ski hill

Arapahoe basin reminds me of skiing in my childhood-Muddy parking lots, slow chairlifts, a lack of high end...anything. The only thing it lacked in that regard is the smell of P-Tex wafting through the lodge.
The skiing is very good here. The snow quality is excellent. A-Basin has arguably the best expert terrain in that part of Colorado.
The scene is quirky here. Lots of locals in costume. The beach appears to be quite the scene with lots of Barbecuing, and partying going on.
Would love to revisit this place and hang with the locals.
See our video here

Great for boarders!

Andrew Mueller
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Great for boarders!

Andrew Mueller
Great spot though pretty high up (13K) so elevation starts to become a factor. Cheap and full of really challenging runs. Great snow too! The food/beer is some of the better mid-mountain eats/drink we've come across. The gift shop however...not nearly enough swag to buy...
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Great Day at A Basin

Chris Skeehan
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Great Day at A Basin

Chris Skeehan
Went to CO for a long week with my wife and hit up a A-Basin, Vail, Breck, Keystone, and did backcountry with Vale Powder Guides and Keystone Powder Guides.

Of the 4 resorts, A-Basin was our favorite. We like no frills, low price, great skiing/riding. Price point was right, esp since they offered military discount.

The snow condition was great, not very crowded and terrain was nice. Its a smaller mountain by comparision, but made up for it with the challenge in the terrain.
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A Basin

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A Basin

A Basin is home to the Front Rangers due to its proximity to Denver. It's fortunate to have one of the longest seasons of any resort. Home to serious skiers but they are making efforts to build a skiing school with magic carpets for new skiers. Super high elevation with lots of open bowl steeps.

Pros: Pali is a classic—beautiful and steep. The Beach (aka the parking lot) is tricked out for tailgating with picnic tables. Best locals only kind of place because there is not a hotel or resort village. Just come ready to ski and have a good time with the locals. Lap Pali. The resort is upgrading many facilities this season including wind fencing. Spring Break is epic!

Cons: Due to the altitude and exposed bowls the snow can get blown away. It can be very windy and cold on a bad day. Crowded. It's a bummer to have to drive away at the end of the day.
See our video here
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