Las Lenas Shopping

Las Lenas Shopping

Powderquest Argentina Snow Tour

Las Lenas Shopping

The main shopping at Las Lenas is focussed on La Pirámide, a small shopping plaza that’s centrally located in the village. A few of the Las Lenas hotels also have small shops.

Las Lenas Ski Shops and Snowboard Stores

La Piramide has a handful of ski and snowboard shops. Two of the shops are medium sized and have a decent range of apparel, hardwear, and ski and snowboard accessories. The main ski shop, Hemisphere, has a few English speaking staff that have great product knowledge.

There are a few other ski shops that are so tiny that they only have a mish-mash of gear, so the chances of it coming in your size are slim. One of the shops even sells retro gear and accessories. It’s not 2nd hand gear, but new retro gear that they’ve potentially had in stock for 30 years!!

There are also small shops for ski and snowboard accessories in the Hotel Piscis, Hotel Aries and Virgo.

General Shopping Las Lenas

The Las Lenas shopping plaza also has a few other shops.

Decent queues can develop at the Mamuschka shop that sells a range of chocolates and other sweet treats. This Mamuschka outlet is tiny in comparison to a few of the behemoth shops that can be found in Patagonian towns such as Bariloche and Villa la Angostura.

Ketobac is another chocolate shop that sells a small range of other over-priced confectionary and gifts.

Grocery Shopping

The Pyramid also has a tiny mini mart that sells the absolute basics with respect to groceries and sundries.

A much better option for groceries is to head to OK Foods (what a strange name?!) that’s hidden in a basement near the hostel. This supermarket is a decent size and has a big range of drinks and non-perishable food, and a smaller range of fresh fruit and vegetables, and dairy products.